winter photo session

Lancaster Family Photography: A Snowy Winter Family Photo Session at Overlook Park

It was my birthday weekend mid-March and we got one last beautiful winter snow. This was probably the only time I have ever seen Overlook Park so empty. There was not a soul in sight. The snow was still untouched and the pine forest was covered in white and was so serene.

In my lifetime thus far I have had 3 birthday blizzards. I’ll always remember the one we had when I was in 5th grade because I was supposed to have a slumber party with all my friends but due to the oncoming snow, no one was allowed to stay overnight. This wasn’t quite a blizzard, but it was very gusty so even with minimal snow there was some drifting.

I could hardly wait to get out and take pictures in the winter wonderland and when Andrea asked if I would do a 6 month session for her son Griffin in the snow I was thrilled! He was so adorable wearing the bright red gnome hat and his big brother Bailey got a kick out of pulling him around in the sled. I am SO very thankful that the timing worked out perfectly for this snowy family winter photo session.

At the end of this session, I was able to grab some silhouette images of the boys and then I photographed some of the snow covered evergreen trees around the park. Later in Photoshop I overlaid the portraits of the boys with some of the tree images to create some unique black and white double exposure silhouettes. I am always happy to get creative with double exposures if time allows (and if the client has interest).

I realize that winter and snowy photo sessions certainly aren’t top priority for most families; however, winter photo sessions CAN be possible, even with little kids. Here are a few tips on how to prepare and make a snowy winter session successful:

  1. Bundle Up: Yes, it’s obvious, but make sure everyone wears layers and has coats, hats, boots, scarves and mittens if necessary. Bring blankets! They can be used as fun props too and you can snuggle together. You can always take coats off briefly for shots and then put them back on if you want to get photos in special sweaters or outfits.

  2. Make It Short & Quick: Because winter is typically my slower season and because it’s cold out, I will only do mini sessions for winter time. We keep it brief, 30 minutes or less so you don’t freeze your butts off (though you may have cherry red noses by the time you’re done).

  3. Make It Playful: We will keep moving; wrap in blankets, pull someone in a sled, hold hands and run through the snow, play ring-around-the-rosie, etc. Snowy photo sessions have got to be fun!

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, York and Harrisburg PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Family Photography: A Winter Session in the Evergreens at Roland Park with the Smith Family

A winter family photo session in the evergreens at Roland Park in Akron, PA by Melissa Engle Photography

It’s crazy to realize that I’ve been living in Lancaster for fifteen years now and started my photography business ten years ago! Over the years I have become accustomed to my favorite locations for taking photos and I dare say a little too comfortable with my go-to spots. The forest of pine trees at Roland Park in Akron never really came across my radar as a potential location until now. It has a similar look to the pine forest at Overlook Park but is much more dense and way less popular for photographers (fingers crossed it stays that way!)

I’m so glad I ventured out to this beautiful evergreen forest earlier this summer for a maternity session because it really is a lovely spot. In the summer time you have to watch out for poison ivy, but in the winter there is a nice ground cover of English ivy that brings a lush fairytale vibe to this location. I actually worked in Akron for four years and had been to this park numerous times but never really explored the pine forest.

I have been photographing Bill and Rhianna since they got engaged a handful of years ago and now they have 3 beautiful, active children that are always a delight to photograph. I can not get over how adorable their little girl is, and how much her older brothers adore and care for her. The light was just perfect on this November morning as we walked through the forest.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, York and Harrisburg PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!

Lancaster Family Photography: A Sun Soaked Winter Family Session at Overlook Park

A winter family photo session at Overlook Park in Lancaster, PA

After many days of gray dreary weather, the sun decided to show its face for this winter family photo session in Overlook Park. This winter has been one of the wettest and warmest that we have had in a long time. I will be honest, I’m not a huge fan of snow but there is something beautiful about the quiet stillness of a winter wonderland versus a blah winter wetland. But I will not complain about a warm winter, especially if it means that spring is not too far away.

Diem contacted me about doing family photos in February when her eldest and youngest both celebrate their birthdays. I don’t do many outdoor sessions during the winter, but it turned out to be a fairly warm day. Overlook Park is one of my go to locations because it has a unique pine forest (which has become increasingly popular for photo shoots over the last few years). But aside from the pine forest, there are some beautiful open fields that change in beauty throughout the seasons.

I love the candid nature of these photos. I met little Lilly in the yellow dress for the first time at this photo session and we became instant friends. She told me all about her favorite things to do and how her favorite color is purple (notice her purple sparkly boots). Getting to know families and playing with kids during photo shoots is one of the things I love most about my job as a photographer. In my experience I have found that playing games like tag and chase, discovering nature, and being active rather than sitting and staring at the camera, are what bring about the best photos and genuine expressions, especially from the little ones.

Melissa Engle Photography offers portrait, family and lifestyle photography in Lancaster, PA. Please contact me if you would like to make some photo magic together!